Friday, August 26, 2011's been a while!

So, I started this blog a few months after I was married.  I was, well, a newlywed. A newlywed who didn't have the first clue about being a wife, much less a good one. Hence, the title, Training Wheel Wife. I never had anyone "show" me how to be a wife. I didn't know what it took to be a good wife, I'd never really had an example so I've just been going with the flow and learning how day by day. In November we'll have our first two years of marriage behind us and a whole bright future ahead of us and all in all, I'd say it's been successful. .

Fast forward to August 2011. We now have an eight month old daughter, Emery. I waited so long for these, so long. We have been blessed by the good Lord every step of the way; from a wonderful healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby girl to a substantial raise for my husband THE day I was to go back to my corporate job--needless to say, I didn't go back and am now a very happy, and somewhat overwhelmed, housewife and stay at home mama--and a semi crunchy one at that!

I suppose the new reason for my blog is to share my knowledge; what I've learned along the way and what I believe to be the *right* way to approach pregnancy, L & D, babies, family, marriage, running a household and every little tiny thing that goes along with it.

I hope you enjoy reading! And I hope I actually write often enough to make it count!


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